- #Vietcong 2 serial key number full
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Even on the easy difficulty setting you'll found your enemy a nut too hard to crack open. And the AI is particularly good in using them to his advantage. There will be a lot of heights for the snipers, wide areas covered by machine-gun nests, narrow passages, and impossible corners and so on. The level design imitates fairly well some of the streets of Hue and the Royal Palace. Ignoring the fact that civilians will never be present - not even once - in the hot zones you will have to pass through, the game provides the player with almost every difficulty this kind of warfare involves.

In terms of combat, Vietcong 2 is providing an urban warfare approach. If one plays a game for the thrill of it, in this case, not the event itself will put your blood in motion but the story - and how is it told - of the ones taking part in the event. Vietcong 2 may be understood from two points of view: another war-based shooter or one that tries to be a little more than that. But finding pleasure - repeatedly - in such things may be a form of madness, if not worse.
#Vietcong 2 serial key number free
To be honest I have found all of them exciting - no matter their name - but I cannot help myself wondering what is wrong with this people (me being one of them)? Making a game that takes place in a large scale conflict may be understood as homage to those who died for us to have the opportunity to live a happy, free life.
#Vietcong 2 serial key number full
The stores are full of first person shooters that imagine the life of a soldier taking part in one of the WWII's battlefields (Medal of Honor, Brothers in Arms, Call of Duty). There wiil be suficient situations in the game that favor the ideea that this war was just a consequence of political propaganda: a conflict not between two states, not for freedom or other human values, but one meant to feed the arogance of some. For the poor boy - who, somehow, anticipated his fate - this revelation came too late. In the end, they will both agree that they were just some butterflies caught in the web of politics.
#Vietcong 2 serial key number professional
You will take part to the Tet Offensive from both sides: as Boone the professional soldier - always obeying orders, always able to discharge them, or as the fool Vietnamese teenager that never belong in this story.

The story is built upon three sources: by you (as military supervisor, Captain Daniel Boone), the broadcasting of a war journalist named Jim Davis, and the diary of Mai Van Minh, a NVA regular (actually a teenager that joined the Vietcong one day before the offensive began). I think this is the first war-based FPS that has a compelling a story line with a fairly complex narration technique. To be honest, I was pleased of not having to bear the misery of getting ensnared in the 2D branches of a so-called two-by-two jungle while beating the snot out of a retarded AI. And their mediocrity becomes unbearable once you learn their plot: a "great hero" bathing in the atrocities of the war decides to take matters in his hands and bring justice to this world by further getting some poor guys killed. For some peculiar reason, they are mediocre in all their aspects. I am usually reluctant to play games that depict episodes of the Vietnam War.